「壓傷的蘆葦,他不折斷;將殘的燈火,他不吹滅。」 賽42:3
"A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out." Isaiah 42.3
The words of our text describe God's attitude toward people who love him imperfectly. For example, one day Jesus was having dinner with a religious leader, and a woman with a bad reputation entered the room. She stood by Jesus weeping, her tears falling on his feet. Then she knelt down and dried them with her hair and poured perfume on them. (See Luke 7:36-50.) 
Jesus' dinner companions were upset with him for not sending her away because she was a notorious sinner. They thought he should have known better than to let her do those things to him. But where they saw only an undeserving sinner, Jesus saw evidence of God's Spirit at work. While they were concerned with being tainted by association with evil, Jesus had compassion on a person who was seeking wholeness.
They had no room for a "bruised reed" or a "smoldering wick" in their neat and clean but cold and uncaring religion. But, in reality, every one of us is a "bruised reed" or a "smoldering wick." In his great love God does not crush us or snuff us out. When we come to him, he accepts us as we are, warts, wounds, and all. And in his forgiving presence we find healing and a renewing power to live rightly. There is more power in love than in judgment. More people have been changed by grace than by law.

Loving God, thank you for not turning away from us when we fail and fall short of your will. Help us grow into the likeness of Jesus, who loves you perfectly. Amen.
《每日箴言》第十八卷 2008年10月15日

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